Friday, February 25, 2011

Class # 50 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

Well it took a little longer than I would have hoped, but 50 yoga classes is still pretty cool. No anger or melancholy this time, just thankfulness for all the friends I have supporting me and the great instructors I have helping me get better every class. You guys all rock! Since it is a bit of a milestone I am going to do the top five lessons I have learned so far so I (and others too I suppose) can look back later and have a snapshot of where I was at after class # 50.

1) It all comes back to the breath. The asanas are great and I really enjoy how they make me feel, but without the flow of the breath it is just not the same. I have had one class where I had halfway decent breath and it is a whole other level than yoga without good breath.

2) Yoga for me is all about connecting with others. I have met so many nice and nurturing people through yoga that it actually has shifted my perception of people in general a few percentage points. I know ultimately I am the only one who can choose to practice and push myself to go deeper, but knowing there are others around me who I like and respect makes me want to take this journey as far as I can.

3) Amsa Yoga is a very special place. You may not know this about me if you know me through yoga, but I can be kind of a grumpy guy. Reality often falls short of my expectations. But class after class, the instructors at Amsa just keep helping me and the others students improve our bodies and minds with their knowledge and above all, their giving spirits. They "namaste"d me when I could not namaste myself. Thank you.

4) Every day, every class, every pose is different. Someday I am going to internalize this. For now I just have to keep reminding myself that yoga is a winding road and not a straight path up a mountain. Some days certain poses and variations will be available and some days they will be not. All I can is give it my all and make peace with what is not safely attainable.

5) It is okay to smile. Yoga and life can be fun even if you are trying really hard. Funny things happen and they should be accepted as gifts and not scornfully discarded. If you can't laugh and share with those around you, what's the point?

Well that's what I have gotten out of yoga so far. Thanks for reading and feel free to stick around for the next 300 or so...

P.S. Thanks Kimberly for helping with my half moon pose today and for your patience in general. Yoga Explosion!

Class #49 Slow Mindful Flow with Sara

This class was a little weird but wound up going really well. Begin Giant TangentYoga seems to be largely mental. At the very least, my personal practice has wild fluctuations that I attribute mostly to my fluctuating mental states. So shortly before this class started I was a bit put out by some actions that I would consider faux pas. I won't go into them other than to say the person I was offended by is not anyone that you would know if you are reading this. If my act was better together than I would not have been annoyed in the first place or even if I was annoyed, I would have been able to simply note it, detach, and continue on. Neither of those things happened. Instead I wound up in a mental place I have not been in awhile. As I have mentioned before, I used to be very competitive and active with a variety of mental pursuits you can play in tournament settings. Most of the times I have been successful, I have had a bit of a chip on my shoulder and played mad but focused. Since I have gotten into yoga, it's not really a frame of mind that I have had that often and I am fine with that. Yoga has helped me be a kinder and more patient person and if that takes a bit of my competitive edge away, that is a good trade for both me and my loved ones. Anyways, for whatever reason I found myself practicing this class mad but focused. End Giant Tangent

Good: Welcome back Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana ! An old favorite was back and better than ever as I got the palms of my hands on the floor next to my feet. I don't remember doing that before. While it is more than possible that I have found a way to mess up one of the simplest poses in yoga, for now I am pumped that I made some progress.

Bad: Aside from my omnipresent breathing issues I am pretty much okay with how most of the asanas went. I had some trouble keeping balance and had to come out in one side of Dancer Pose but if you had told me a couple months ago that I could do it at all I would have just laughed. I also just took a breath and got ready for whatever would come next, which is a better response than I usually have when I mess up.

Yummy: I am definitely getting into a better rhythm with Sara. It is hard for me to explain, but some of the focuses and transitions make more sense to my body now that I am a little more flexible. It's kinda like rereading a good book. You get some fun stuff the first time or two through and then you get some really cool details and additional layers of depth later on. I also really appreciate the adjustments she gave that helped me maximize some of the stretches and twists we got into.

So check back soon for #50 and wish me luck as I try to make some ground up this weekend.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Class #48 Yoga for Lunch with Anne

Mmmm. Lunch yoga! I missed Pam's "breakfast" yoga so I was plenty hungry to stock up on some yummy
asanas before heading off to teach. Luckily, Anne was there to dish out some heaping helpings of delicious twists and wholesome core strength builders. Dang it, I have got to stop writing these when I am hungry or learn to make better metaphors. Anyways, here are some of the highlights:

Good: I am sure we have done it before, but I do not remember Shiva Twist PARIVRTTA NATARAJASANA in previous classes. Old or new, it is pretty sweet and definitely fun. Curiously, yoga journal does not seem to have a picture of it. I suppose it is possible I am misspelling it, but it's such a simple phrase...

Bad: Half Moon Ardha Chandrasana has been one of my favorite poses for awhile, but like a delicate flower it seems to require a lot of love and attention to stay healthy and beautiful. Whenever I neglect half moon it wilts until I give it the time and attention it deserves. So I got through one Half Moon, but my other side was off kilter and wonky (that's an advanced technical yoga term). It's okay, I missed you Half Moon and we'll get you wholly back together in no time.

Yummy: Just really digging Anne's classes and especially the transitions lately. I am sure all the twists we did had nothing to do with how much I enjoyed it... It was also cool to see Queen of Broccoli and all around green thumber Christine. Good times all around.

Getting close to #50. Keeping the dream alive. See you soon!

Class #47 Deep Stretch Yoga with Sara

No jokes this times, just a wonderful class with Sara that I actually remember what happened in. Let's get to it!

Good: Can't...Get...Enough...Triangles. Regular, reversed, left side, right side, in the rain, on a train, something about twisting and extending is just wonderful for me. That's it, I'm going to go do a couple right now.

Okay, I'm back. Just to clarify, my triangles still need work and I am very appreciative of the adjustments Sara gave me in this class. They are just so fun and simple like reverse bon bons that make your body better instead of worse while still being oh so delicious.

Bad: Child's Pose Balasana on the other hand, continues to be an issue for me. My tummy, gender, and overall tightness combine to frequently make this "resting pose" a source of frustration for me. Wah, wah, wah, I know. I can't (or won't, I suppose) do much about one of those problems, but a tighter tummy is certainly something I can and will work on and breathing work should eventually pay dividends with tightness. Be warned, child's pose, I conquered hero's pose and I am coming for you next.

Yummy: So I got to hang out with Elizabeth which is always fun and we even did wheels together. Go Elizabeth! You rock and I really appreciate the encouragement you have given me. Super cool Katie was also there and has decided on her special phrase. Check out the cast of characters for the latest addition and keep an eye out in the future for other fun new people I am getting to know better through the power of yoga and specifically the wonderful community at Amsa.

Class #45, 46 Yoga for Lunch with Anne and Gentle Yoga with Pam

Okay, so my life got super hectic and I misplaced my notes for these classes. All I remember is being frustrated I couldn't breath better and the oddity of having more guys than girls in Anne's classes. On the plus side, I went on a little trip immediately after Pam's class (left for the mountains approximately 11 minutes after class got out). I have a couple yogic anecdotes from that trip and some wonderfully bad yoga puns composed by either me or my wife during the drive.

I have been pretty frustrated about breathing lately aside from one transcendent class with Kimberly where I managed to keep breathing almost the whole time. I can do okay if the instructor reminds us during each pose when to inhale and exhale. Thanks for the training wheels. Someday I will learn to go solo, I promise. Anyways, we went on a couple walks and a fairly long hike up in the mountains and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could breath really well if I kept ting my breath to my steps. I know I would have been out of breath quickly if I had undergone the same exertion pre-yoga. Ahh yoga, it makes everything better (kinda like Texas Pete hot sauce only not as sticky). So instead of having to focus on getting enough oxygen and having to make a bunch of stops, I got to just enjoy the moment and be present in the beauty of nature.

Also while up in the mountains I was lucky enough to be staying at place with a beautiful view from its front yard. So each morning I would get up and greet the day with some downward dogs, warriors of various descriptions and too many triangles to count. I also found that a good way to ensure good from in chatturanga/ up dog, plank, down dog vinyasa is to just practice without a mat on some dewy grass. No belly scraping here. You also can not really get frustrated with yourself while drinking in the mountain air and little birdies are hopping around and singing to you.

Lastly here are some of the best (or worst depending on your temperament) yoga puns we came up with:

What kind of vehicle did the yogis take to the retreat?

An Omnibus...

Why did the advanced yoga teacher not have to wear a life jacket when out on the lake?

She had mastered boat pose...

Why did the yoga teacher give all her students squeaky toys and tennis balls?

She wanted to improve their down dogs...

Why did the yoga student always go to a Longhorn Restaurant after yoga class?

Her instructor ended each class by telling her to Nom-A-Steak...

And Finally,

Why did the yoga teacher have to hide all through Christmas?

She had gotten stuck in Bow pose...

No yoga jokes next time. I Promise. : )

Class #44 Deep Stretch Yoga with Sara

Well I didn't breath as well as I would have hoped in this class considering the last one, but it was still an improvement over my normal level so I'll take it. I had some trouble focusing overall and kept thinking about work problems. Sorry for not being more mindful and focused on the moment Sara. : ( Here is what I remember from my scattered thoughts:

Good: So I don't know the name of it, but I look like the girl in Christina's World by Wyeth (I really need a haircut and to get off the farm...) I am loving twists right now. It's silly, but if an instructor describes a pose as a twist, I breath a little better and unclench some of my muscles. The mind is a weird wonderful thing.

Bad: Maybe I can get Sara to call it Pigeon Twist instead of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana cause that pigeon has definitely pooped on my psyche and is roosting in my head. I know I can have a decent pigeon because I have had them before and I am certainly more limber now than I have been in the past. If I could just find a way to relax I would be back to being the king of pigeons (or at least minor nobility of some sort) in no time.

Yummy: My savasana was pretty good. I know it's not sleep but mine seem to go a lot better if I am a little tired when I get to it. I felt super refreshed after the class was over and ready to see a better tomorrow. Thanks Sara!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Class# 43 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

I am so excited about this class. I feel like I had a mini breakthrough. Kimberly really emphasized the breath (as she often does) and I was able to do a much better job of breathing throughout. The poses really do come after the breath and not before it. I tried to just breath and let what was going to happen, happen and I was in a much better place mentally than I usually am. Hmm, I guess I am already in the "Good" so I'm going to drop down there and give some more detail.
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Good: That was my attempt at happy shower drops by the way. So every day and every class is a new opportunity and recently I have been a bit frustrated (as you may have noticed) with how lacking my breath is. I have been coming at the problem from wrong angles though. Beating myself up doesn't really work. Obsessing over how good everyone else's breath is doesn't work. Even fixating over how my breath sounds does not really get at the heart of the matter. I wish there was a non-cliched way to say to say this, but deciding to "Just Breathe" seems to be the key. I took long deep even breaths and when I didn't for whatever reason, I used that opportunity to...
take a long deep breath. I don't know if my poses looked better or worse, but they certainly felt better and less stressful while I did them (yes I get stressed during yoga but not as much as I have before).

Bad: I am not even that upset about the bad, my old nemesis Seated Forward Bend Paschimottanasana I don't usually get that far without aid of some sort like a strap or grabbing my legs and trying to wrench myself down. I am pretty sure this is not what the pose is about anyways, but rather gracefully stretching and lowering the torso without crumpling. So when I had hit a wall, Kimberly came over and gently but firmly helped me push through and after she left I was actually able to go even further. It would be great if I could do this unassisted, but I am still really happy with how it wound up and my prospects for the future.

Yummy: So much yum that day... Breathing makes everything better. The adjustments were wonderful. There is really an art to helping people find where they can go without pushing too far. Kimberly, you are a talented artist. The music was also especially cool with some really good songs that fit with the love theme of the class without being sappy (not that there is anything wrong with that. Yum, yum, yum. it was like eating some home made brownies without the guilt!

Okay, so now I just need to keep breathing and not get cocky. Wish me luck!

Class #42 Hot Vinyasa Yoga with Kimberly

So as people may or may not know, I lost a good deal a weight and bad cholesterol through yoga and some diet changes. Unfortunately, I have managed to put five or so pounds back on despite actually going to more classes than I used to. My school schedule has been making it rough to eat healthy and I also have not been able to make it to as many of the hot and/or fast paced classes lately. Anyways, it was great to go to one of the classes that I have really happy associations with. Heat+moving=progress in my mind still. I got there just in time after oversleeping again. (I am trying out the special lights that are supposed to help with energy during winter time.) My body seemed really confused because I kept trying to yawn while being out of breath. I basically made weird fishy sounds. Sorry nice new guy that was next to me. I hope I didn't scare you with my glubs. So aside from being happy, nostalgic, and fishy how did it go? Let's see...

Good: The basic sequence of down dog, plank and chaturanga is something that comes up a lot both in class and in my home practice. There is always room to grow but I have been trying really hard to breath better during that time and it is starting to pay dividends. My mind is in a good place where I am neither complacent nor panicked. Hopefully that little acorn of mindfulness and a few others I have in some scattered poses can grow together into a healthy forest of not sucking...

Bad: Oh Extended Side Angle Utthita Parsvakonasana what am I going to do with you? I still feel like I am stuck in between variations for this pose. I like the way my body feels when I am in this pose and my forearm near my elbow is pressed right behind my knee. My mind, however, will not shut up about how I should be doing it the way a lot of other people are and how it is in the picture I linked to. However, I don't feel stable and my "lines" don't feel right when I try it that way. The deal I have made with my ego lately has been that as long as the pose I am in can strengthen and prepare me for future poses then I don't have to beat myself up as much. Since, that does not really seem to be the case with this pose, I am having a lot of trouble making my peace with it.

Yummy: On a happier note there is a pose we did that I keep meaning to talk about that i just love. There is not a name for it that I have heard but Amanda has dubbed it "Happy Boulder". Kinda like in Happy Baby Ananda Balasana you are on your back but instead of reaching for your feet and drawing them down with knees bent, you just hug your knees into your chest and wrap your arms around them, then rock back and forth. To the casual observer, you look a lot like a tiny boulder and if you are smiling (and really how can you not?) then you are a happy boulder!

Next class description is almost done. See you soon everyone!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Class #41 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

Going to this class helped some after my horrible experience at Gold's. I actually usually have a Friday evening commitment, but I cancelled since I wasn't feeling up to it or the driving I would need to do. I was still a little dizzy, but my wonderful wife Amanda drove me to yoga and practiced next to me, keeping an eye on me to make sure I was okay.

Good: I used to dread Chair pose Utkatasana but now I kind of like it. I am not excited about doing it, but I have made my peace with it and when it is time for chair I do chair. The overall sequence that involves chair and uttanasana and stretching up with arms overhead is definitely fun. Of course, anything and uttanasana is pretty fun, but still...

Bad: I used to NOT dread pigeon Eka Pada Rajakapotasana but lately we have had a bit of a falling out. You can kind of get away with being tense in some of the poses, but pigeon will have none of that and it has been pretty brutal lately for me. Of course it is mostly mental. I think it will be painful and stressful so I tense in preparation which makes it worse and it downward spirals from there. I need to find something to bring out of this pigeon poopstorm...

Yummy: Anytime I get to practice next to Amanda is wonderful. Her schedule is very busy and it almost feels like a little vacation when we get to do yoga together. The overall class was a welcome haven after the trauma earlier and a reminder of the special oasis Amsa is. Thanks Kimberly and thanks Amsa community for being there!

Class #40 Gold's Gym Full Contact Yoga with Headshot

Ugh. I overslept my normal Amsa class so I went to Gold's Gym where I am already paying for a membership and I literally got kicked in the head and thought I had a concussion. "Luckily", it appears to just be a really bad headache with some dizziness. I may try to come back to this post and somehow find good and yummy, but right now I don't want to even think about it.

Class #39 Slow Mindful Flow with Sara

Well, I am behind again. Sleepiness and busy-ness are a difficult duo to overcome. I have made a couple classes recently though, so let's catch up. Slow mindful flow was good times but I had a lot of trouble relaxing and letting go. Of course I was that way before I got to class also...

Good: You know me, I am a sucker for all thing twisty and stretchy (except pigeon, he's no friend of mine) I have been having some trouble with balance lately so it felt good to get a decent revolved triangle Parivrtta Trikonasana . Ahh triangles. Day got you down? Triangles will pick you right back up. : )

Bad: Seriously, I was so tense that day I could not even let go in savasana I need a massage or to be shot with a tranquilizer dart or something.

Yummy: Aside from the fun of seeing Sara again (our paths had not crossed for awhile) and enjoying some juicy twists ( there was actually another one that was new to me that I really enjoyed but I don't know what to call it) I also was lucky enough to have Katie as a mat buddy. I need to get a word from her to put up on the side descriptions.

Thinking of Katie reminds me of a tangent I have been meaning to share. Okay, so I realized the other day that all of my yoga friends are much better at breathing during class. I have been wondering which of the following is the reason for this.

1)I am so bad at breathing that no matter who I made friends with they would be noticeably better if our mats were next to each other. I have a friend with asthma that I need to convince to come to yoga to test this theory.

2)My brain is slowly dying from lack of oxygen during my frequent yoga classes and so has been sending me subtle signals like "Psst, go make friends with that person who breaths well so that you don't die next time you have to do chaturanga" If this is true and there are actually other people who don't breathe especially well, then I apologize for not being better friends with you. It's not you, it's my brain I promise...

3)Maybe the other yoga students were worried about the poor guy not breathing and drew straws over who would take shifts to practice next to him and encourage him to breath occasionally. If this is true, I appreciate the thought yogis. I promise to try hard to breath and not die in recognition of your efforts.

Whatever it is, I'll keep working on it and we'll see how it goes in future classes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Class #38 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

I stayed up way too late after the superbowl. If this had been a 9:30 class there is no way I would have made it. 10:30 was doable with only a few yawns holding me back. Despite yoga mellowing me out considerably, I still get way too into sports. I am and always will be an unapologetic cubs fan since I consider it a strong part of my growing up, but there is no real good reason why I should have been so invested in the superbowl. I can't seem to let go of the medieval notion that there is some link between how well an individual or group performs and how pure of heart they may be. A mean hurtful person may very well outperform a kind and giving person at football (or even theoretically yoga if you are just observing poses). So I am happy about the outcome of the game, but worried about how much of myself was invested. Anyways, on to the class.

Good: Standing Splits Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana I have been a little wobbly in my balance poses lately so it was good to have one go well. I got both hands to my ankle and didn't topple over on one side. Of course I was all puffed up and full of myself when I got to the other side and nearly tipped before I was able to rebalance with a hand off to the side. I also need to get back to a frame of mind where I am inspired and not discouraged when I see full extensions of these. I am starting to wonder if Yoga Journal does not use some creative photoshopping on some of their pictures.

Bad: So I had a decent Dragon Flying Low in a recent class, but this time my dragon flew into the side of a castle and crashed. :( In several poses it seems like the fullest extension is about getting the highest or lowest. In dragon if you do that though you lose the stretch so you have to find a good edge and hang out there. I got way too low and laid there proud of myself until Kimberly came over and kindly pointed out that I wasn't really stretching anymore. Woops. Oh well, I will know better for next time and the burninating will resume.

Yummy: Especially yummy was the chanting we did at the end of class today. Kimberly printed out cool little cards with two famous phrases that have been chanted for centuries and was considerate enough to give us translations so we knew what they meant. Chanting together was pretty fun and even felt a little energizing. Additional yum from Helen who thanked me for giving her a shout out in the blog for the first yoga class she taught. Thank you ma'am for the great class and all the wonderful adjustments you have shared with us.

Til, next time!

Class #37 Sweet Vinyasa with Kimberly

Another great yoga class was especially sweet coming off the pajama party peak. No jammies this time, just moving with the breath and going with the flow.

Good: there was a little desert subtheme to this class as we rocked both Pyramid Parsvottanasana and Camel Ustrasana I liked Pyramid because I am really enjoying getting my heart down (I am loving humble warrior also). Of course now that I have seen the crazy picture of the full extension on yoga journal I will get depressed over my puny pyramid, but I liked it during class. Camel is cool because I can slowly get into it by using a block to ease myself down. I have tried in the past to kinda jerk myself into it, but surprisingly the "fling your body and cross your fingers" method was not that successful.

Bad: Every class I take should probably come with the disclaimer that I did a bad job of breathing, but this one was a little extra bad. If a future blog is just a string of random letters (slightly different from now, I know) then it will be because I spent another hour of my life breathing twice or so.

Yummy: Aside from just still coasting from the pajama party good vibes and not beating myself up too much, it was also really cool to have Elizabeth be my mat buddy and practice next to me. her positive energy is contagious and it really helps to have a friend nearby. Thanks Elizabeth!

Join me next time when I promise to breath at least three times during class so they don't call the paramedics during pigeon pose.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Class #36 Yoga Pajama Party with Kimberly and Amsa Community

Class #3 for Saturday was a special event as we all got together for some flow, some nidra , a potluck, good conversation and sharing. Kimberly led us through some slow stretchy asanas and then into a (literally) dreamy nidra session where my mind drifted off somewhere happy filled with playful panda bears. Seriously, I got so relaxed I started thinking about fluffy panda bears rolling around and playing. I guess it was a daydream because it was pretty vivid and I didn't actually go to sleep. Afterwards we all sat around on pillow bolsters and told stories and enjoyed some delicious and pretty healthy food. So, for the record:

Good: Pretty much everything. I am sure I could have done the poses better, but I let them come to me and didn't stress about anything. It's hard to be too self critical when you are in happy pajamas. So thats a step in the right direction.

Bad: Dunno, I guess I wish the whole thing could have been longer but we were there for several hours. The time just disappeared.

Yummy: A short list would include: Going to a yoga pajama party with my wife, trying new kinds of foods and enjoying all of it (I am a pretty picky eater) being so relaxed that my muscles unclenched, legally obtained panda visions, watching a pillow fight, getting to know the new teacher Shannon better, hearing John and Kimberly each tell stories about their earlier pre yoga days, and being able to wear my yoga clothes to bed without feeling guilty.

Is it too soon for another Pajama party?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Class #35 Yoga Basics with Kimberly

I am really digging these basics classes. I think that approaching poses with the mind of a beginner is half the battle. I get into the most trouble whenever I feel like I "know" a pose and go into autopilot. I certainly get the most frustrated when a pose a pose I have "mastered" is not there for me (though really it is I that am not present for it). Aside from working on perspective and attitude, I have learned how to do poses better in every class so far also. Speaking of which:

Good: Fittingly enough, I really enjoyed Humble Warrior (cant seem to find the translation or a pic on yoga journal). We practiced up against the wall and bracing my foot really helped my balance and foundation. I tried it later that day without a wall and my leg can remember better what I need to be doing.

Bad: So another cool thing this Basics class is helping me realize is that there is a fundamental difference between really knowing a pose and just being able to get yourself into a particular shape after doing your favorite transition. I like Dancer Pose Natarajasana and do it fairly often but getting into it from an unfamiliar angle threw me for a loop and I wasn't able to readjust until our last variation. On a sidenote, I originally described here a bunch of excuses as to why I didn't do well with it. Really though, it's simple. There is a lot of work for me to do.

Yummy: Thankfully, Amsa is about as yummy a place to do work as I can think of. I particularly enjoyed listening to the meditative bells that were our music today. I was near the boombox and could really hear the subtleties of the sound. I probably should have been more mindful of the asanas we were doing at the time, but I became fascinated by how the bells sounded the same at first but the longer I listened the more I could detect tiny differences with each peal. I started to imagine a monk carefully considering a bell and then doing their best to hit it with perfect timing and force each time. There was even a rough pattern. A baseline bell, then a bell either softer or louder, then a bell that tries to compensate but is a little off, then finally a bell that is (as far as I could tell) pretty much the same as the baseline bell. I mention all this bell stuff because I think asanas are like that. You have a good pose one day. Then the next one is off and then you have to work on your body and mind to get back there. But you can't really go back, only forward with your memories and hopefully a better attitude and realistic expectations.

Sorry about the tangent. I promise I will de-bat my belfry before the Yoga Pajama party...

Class #34 Slow Mindful Flow with Sara

Curse you sleepy February! I overslept again snuggled underneath covers with kittens and Amanda while more industrious yogis powered through a hot Vinyasa. Thankfully this year (and life) is a marathon and not a sprint. Three Saturday classes will have to be enough. So I got started with some slow flow flow courtesy of Sara. Kimberly was also there taking the class before hers got started. It is always cool when there are instructors participating as students. Obviously, all the classes have a teacher to demonstrate and explain the poses for you, but if there is a teacher as student then you can observe things like pace and smooth transitioning too. It's hard to describe, but there is a grace or elegance that some of the teachers have. It's not enough to just "know" the poses, there is a whole other level of being in them and mindfully moving from one to the other. Someday, someday... Back to today though:

Good: I am still on a twist kick and had another pretty good Half Lord of the Fishes (Half Duchess of Hamsters?) Ardha Matsyendrasana . One side was better than the other for my kooky body, but they both felt really good.

Bad: I am definitely having some wobbles lately. My Revolving Triangle Parivrtta Trikonasana was more like a downward spiral. I had a bad transition into it and started beating myself up. Yoga is hard enough without being mean to yourself and I wasn't able to maintain concentration after I got frustrated. Yesterday is yesterday and today is today. You can't step into the same pose twice. Hopefully, I can internalize what I theoretically know sometime soon.

Yummy: Got some cool adjustments from Sara and we tried a new way of doing forward fold Uttanasana. Maybe it came back from Maui with her? I also looked up at one point and Katie had snuck into the class. So I got to talk with a friend after the class and that's always fun.

On to class #2!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Class #33 Yoga for Lunch with Anne

I was hoping for a three-fer today, but couldn't quite get of bed quick enough to get to the morning class on time. Tonight is also going to be crazy busy with school and hosting Bible study at our house. Still, one class is good and I am fortunate to be able to have a schedule that even makes 365 classes possible at all. So it was another cozy class with Anne that certainly got my late starting day off on a good note. The small student count meant she could specifically tailor some of the poses for our needs. Thanks Anne for the personalization!

Good: My Pigeon Pose Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is getting less panicky even as I lay my pigeon down. I still am not really relaxing in the pose, but I am not quite in fight or flight mode either. It's okay, I will take all the pigeon progress I can get. One of the instructors said in class recently that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who enjoy pigeon and those who don't. I am still one of those who don't but I can see light at the end of the tunnel where I can smile and mean it.

Bad: My Child's Pose Balasana is getting pretty cranky. I swear I remember being able to get my head down to the ground earlier. As I have talked about before, I feel my worst poses are not the ones I cannot do right now, but those I feel I should be able to do but have trouble consistently achieving. The gap between perception and reality is brutal on my self image and (oddly enough) my desire leads to suffering. I know I can get back to a fuller expression of child's because every time I get adjusted it works. So, I guess, right now I just have a mental thing to work on as the frustration and tensing is holding me back.

Yummy: I really enjoyed the transitions and general flow of this class. I have heard that a better way to tell how advanced a student is in their practice (or more usefully, to assess your own) is to observe how they move into and out of the different poses. I try really hard to avoid wrenching quick movements, but I am easily confused and spatially limited. There were some really cool transitions that were new to me in this class, but felt very smooth and natural. Love it!

So is everyone else as excited about the Pajama party this Saturday as I am? What's the only thing better than yoga? Yoga with fun relaxed people! Now if I can just be mindful until then...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Class #32 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

So for a brief moment I actually pulled ahead of the pace. Thirty one days in January and thirty two classes completed. I will be using this tiny cushion to rest up one day and spend some time on a date with my lovely and very patient wife, Amanda. I was also fortuante enough to recently get my own private office at work. It has no windows which is sad, but that does mean that I can sneak in some "home" practice yoga at work now. I definitely just got paid for a couple minutes of Uttanasana So how did the "real" yoga go? Glad you asked. :)

Good: Hmm. Twist? Check. Slight Inversion? Check! Heart Opener? You Betcha! It's official. I love you Revolving Triangle Pose Parivrtta Trikonasana I have a lot of work to do to improve this pose, but it makes me smile just thinking about it.

Bad: So Warrior III Virabhadrasana III
was super shaky on one side for some reason. Sometimes I wish yoga had a reset button or a save point like a video game so you could try again on the poses that you feel like you "should" do well on. Oh well, maybe my warrior just needed a little humbling. Thinking about it now, I could also have been much more mindful and slow moving during my transition in also. Always something to work on.

Yummy: I saw a fellow student who had been away for awhile and got to catch up a bit. That was pretty fun. Oh, and tons of good adjustments this class. I wish sometimes I could get a team of yoga instructors to follow me arond and give me adjustments on everything. Fix my slouching posture, gently push me out the door so I'm not late to appointments, correct my angle and get me to hold the teeth brushing posture longer so I won't get anymore cavities, maybe shut my mouth before I say something that I will regret later. So hire a team of dedicated on call yogis... or be more mindful. Either one would solve a lot of my problems. I better start saving up.

Class #31 Sweet Vinyasa with Kimberly

Loved this class. So it is not a hard class where you have to be advanced to participate, but the pace and the poses can certainly work up a sweat if you choose to do the more strenuous variations (or if you are just out of shape like I am). Slower classes are certainly good and producitve too, but sometimes I just want to move. Of course, the trick is to be mindful while moving. I am getting better at not thinking about other things while doing yoga (especially in the quicker moving classes) but I am not really thinking much at all actually and that is not really be present. Fun, but not present.

Good: My boat pose Paripurna Navasana is getting a bit better. Hurray core strength! Obviously I have a long way to go. It's not like I can do full extension and hold it forever, but my legs are getting lighter and my endurance is certainly better than six month ago.

Bad: Do I get credit for knowing that my breathing is bad? My awareness is certainly getting better, but time after time I can't or won't breath properly in many poses. At this point, I am just happy I am still alive since apparantly my natural instinct is to not breath whenever life gets tough...

Yummy: I just can't say enough about this style and pace of yoga. It's not just my body that feels better afterwards, but I mentally feel better. I am more confident and optimistic and have the energy to go accomplish something. Assuming of course that I can remember to breath that long...