Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Class #33 Yoga for Lunch with Anne

I was hoping for a three-fer today, but couldn't quite get of bed quick enough to get to the morning class on time. Tonight is also going to be crazy busy with school and hosting Bible study at our house. Still, one class is good and I am fortunate to be able to have a schedule that even makes 365 classes possible at all. So it was another cozy class with Anne that certainly got my late starting day off on a good note. The small student count meant she could specifically tailor some of the poses for our needs. Thanks Anne for the personalization!

Good: My Pigeon Pose Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is getting less panicky even as I lay my pigeon down. I still am not really relaxing in the pose, but I am not quite in fight or flight mode either. It's okay, I will take all the pigeon progress I can get. One of the instructors said in class recently that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who enjoy pigeon and those who don't. I am still one of those who don't but I can see light at the end of the tunnel where I can smile and mean it.

Bad: My Child's Pose Balasana is getting pretty cranky. I swear I remember being able to get my head down to the ground earlier. As I have talked about before, I feel my worst poses are not the ones I cannot do right now, but those I feel I should be able to do but have trouble consistently achieving. The gap between perception and reality is brutal on my self image and (oddly enough) my desire leads to suffering. I know I can get back to a fuller expression of child's because every time I get adjusted it works. So, I guess, right now I just have a mental thing to work on as the frustration and tensing is holding me back.

Yummy: I really enjoyed the transitions and general flow of this class. I have heard that a better way to tell how advanced a student is in their practice (or more usefully, to assess your own) is to observe how they move into and out of the different poses. I try really hard to avoid wrenching quick movements, but I am easily confused and spatially limited. There were some really cool transitions that were new to me in this class, but felt very smooth and natural. Love it!

So is everyone else as excited about the Pajama party this Saturday as I am? What's the only thing better than yoga? Yoga with fun relaxed people! Now if I can just be mindful until then...

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