So for a brief moment I actually pulled ahead of the pace. Thirty one days in January and thirty two classes completed. I will be using this tiny cushion to rest up one day and spend some time on a date with my lovely and very patient wife, Amanda. I was also fortuante enough to recently get my own private office at work. It has no windows which is sad, but that does mean that I can sneak in some "home" practice yoga at work now. I definitely just got paid for a couple minutes of Uttanasana So how did the "real" yoga go? Glad you asked. :)
Good: Hmm. Twist? Check. Slight Inversion? Check! Heart Opener? You Betcha! It's official. I love you Revolving Triangle Pose Parivrtta Trikonasana I have a lot of work to do to improve this pose, but it makes me smile just thinking about it.
Bad: So Warrior III Virabhadrasana III
was super shaky on one side for some reason. Sometimes I wish yoga had a reset button or a save point like a video game so you could try again on the poses that you feel like you "should" do well on. Oh well, maybe my warrior just needed a little humbling. Thinking about it now, I could also have been much more mindful and slow moving during my transition in also. Always something to work on.
Yummy: I saw a fellow student who had been away for awhile and got to catch up a bit. That was pretty fun. Oh, and tons of good adjustments this class. I wish sometimes I could get a team of yoga instructors to follow me arond and give me adjustments on everything. Fix my slouching posture, gently push me out the door so I'm not late to appointments, correct my angle and get me to hold the teeth brushing posture longer so I won't get anymore cavities, maybe shut my mouth before I say something that I will regret later. So hire a team of dedicated on call yogis... or be more mindful. Either one would solve a lot of my problems. I better start saving up.
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