Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Class #45, 46 Yoga for Lunch with Anne and Gentle Yoga with Pam

Okay, so my life got super hectic and I misplaced my notes for these classes. All I remember is being frustrated I couldn't breath better and the oddity of having more guys than girls in Anne's classes. On the plus side, I went on a little trip immediately after Pam's class (left for the mountains approximately 11 minutes after class got out). I have a couple yogic anecdotes from that trip and some wonderfully bad yoga puns composed by either me or my wife during the drive.

I have been pretty frustrated about breathing lately aside from one transcendent class with Kimberly where I managed to keep breathing almost the whole time. I can do okay if the instructor reminds us during each pose when to inhale and exhale. Thanks for the training wheels. Someday I will learn to go solo, I promise. Anyways, we went on a couple walks and a fairly long hike up in the mountains and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could breath really well if I kept ting my breath to my steps. I know I would have been out of breath quickly if I had undergone the same exertion pre-yoga. Ahh yoga, it makes everything better (kinda like Texas Pete hot sauce only not as sticky). So instead of having to focus on getting enough oxygen and having to make a bunch of stops, I got to just enjoy the moment and be present in the beauty of nature.

Also while up in the mountains I was lucky enough to be staying at place with a beautiful view from its front yard. So each morning I would get up and greet the day with some downward dogs, warriors of various descriptions and too many triangles to count. I also found that a good way to ensure good from in chatturanga/ up dog, plank, down dog vinyasa is to just practice without a mat on some dewy grass. No belly scraping here. You also can not really get frustrated with yourself while drinking in the mountain air and little birdies are hopping around and singing to you.

Lastly here are some of the best (or worst depending on your temperament) yoga puns we came up with:

What kind of vehicle did the yogis take to the retreat?

An Omnibus...

Why did the advanced yoga teacher not have to wear a life jacket when out on the lake?

She had mastered boat pose...

Why did the yoga teacher give all her students squeaky toys and tennis balls?

She wanted to improve their down dogs...

Why did the yoga student always go to a Longhorn Restaurant after yoga class?

Her instructor ended each class by telling her to Nom-A-Steak...

And Finally,

Why did the yoga teacher have to hide all through Christmas?

She had gotten stuck in Bow pose...

No yoga jokes next time. I Promise. : )

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