Friday, February 25, 2011

Class #49 Slow Mindful Flow with Sara

This class was a little weird but wound up going really well. Begin Giant TangentYoga seems to be largely mental. At the very least, my personal practice has wild fluctuations that I attribute mostly to my fluctuating mental states. So shortly before this class started I was a bit put out by some actions that I would consider faux pas. I won't go into them other than to say the person I was offended by is not anyone that you would know if you are reading this. If my act was better together than I would not have been annoyed in the first place or even if I was annoyed, I would have been able to simply note it, detach, and continue on. Neither of those things happened. Instead I wound up in a mental place I have not been in awhile. As I have mentioned before, I used to be very competitive and active with a variety of mental pursuits you can play in tournament settings. Most of the times I have been successful, I have had a bit of a chip on my shoulder and played mad but focused. Since I have gotten into yoga, it's not really a frame of mind that I have had that often and I am fine with that. Yoga has helped me be a kinder and more patient person and if that takes a bit of my competitive edge away, that is a good trade for both me and my loved ones. Anyways, for whatever reason I found myself practicing this class mad but focused. End Giant Tangent

Good: Welcome back Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana ! An old favorite was back and better than ever as I got the palms of my hands on the floor next to my feet. I don't remember doing that before. While it is more than possible that I have found a way to mess up one of the simplest poses in yoga, for now I am pumped that I made some progress.

Bad: Aside from my omnipresent breathing issues I am pretty much okay with how most of the asanas went. I had some trouble keeping balance and had to come out in one side of Dancer Pose but if you had told me a couple months ago that I could do it at all I would have just laughed. I also just took a breath and got ready for whatever would come next, which is a better response than I usually have when I mess up.

Yummy: I am definitely getting into a better rhythm with Sara. It is hard for me to explain, but some of the focuses and transitions make more sense to my body now that I am a little more flexible. It's kinda like rereading a good book. You get some fun stuff the first time or two through and then you get some really cool details and additional layers of depth later on. I also really appreciate the adjustments she gave that helped me maximize some of the stretches and twists we got into.

So check back soon for #50 and wish me luck as I try to make some ground up this weekend.

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