Monday, February 7, 2011

Class #38 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

I stayed up way too late after the superbowl. If this had been a 9:30 class there is no way I would have made it. 10:30 was doable with only a few yawns holding me back. Despite yoga mellowing me out considerably, I still get way too into sports. I am and always will be an unapologetic cubs fan since I consider it a strong part of my growing up, but there is no real good reason why I should have been so invested in the superbowl. I can't seem to let go of the medieval notion that there is some link between how well an individual or group performs and how pure of heart they may be. A mean hurtful person may very well outperform a kind and giving person at football (or even theoretically yoga if you are just observing poses). So I am happy about the outcome of the game, but worried about how much of myself was invested. Anyways, on to the class.

Good: Standing Splits Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana I have been a little wobbly in my balance poses lately so it was good to have one go well. I got both hands to my ankle and didn't topple over on one side. Of course I was all puffed up and full of myself when I got to the other side and nearly tipped before I was able to rebalance with a hand off to the side. I also need to get back to a frame of mind where I am inspired and not discouraged when I see full extensions of these. I am starting to wonder if Yoga Journal does not use some creative photoshopping on some of their pictures.

Bad: So I had a decent Dragon Flying Low in a recent class, but this time my dragon flew into the side of a castle and crashed. :( In several poses it seems like the fullest extension is about getting the highest or lowest. In dragon if you do that though you lose the stretch so you have to find a good edge and hang out there. I got way too low and laid there proud of myself until Kimberly came over and kindly pointed out that I wasn't really stretching anymore. Woops. Oh well, I will know better for next time and the burninating will resume.

Yummy: Especially yummy was the chanting we did at the end of class today. Kimberly printed out cool little cards with two famous phrases that have been chanted for centuries and was considerate enough to give us translations so we knew what they meant. Chanting together was pretty fun and even felt a little energizing. Additional yum from Helen who thanked me for giving her a shout out in the blog for the first yoga class she taught. Thank you ma'am for the great class and all the wonderful adjustments you have shared with us.

Til, next time!

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