Monday, February 14, 2011

Class #39 Slow Mindful Flow with Sara

Well, I am behind again. Sleepiness and busy-ness are a difficult duo to overcome. I have made a couple classes recently though, so let's catch up. Slow mindful flow was good times but I had a lot of trouble relaxing and letting go. Of course I was that way before I got to class also...

Good: You know me, I am a sucker for all thing twisty and stretchy (except pigeon, he's no friend of mine) I have been having some trouble with balance lately so it felt good to get a decent revolved triangle Parivrtta Trikonasana . Ahh triangles. Day got you down? Triangles will pick you right back up. : )

Bad: Seriously, I was so tense that day I could not even let go in savasana I need a massage or to be shot with a tranquilizer dart or something.

Yummy: Aside from the fun of seeing Sara again (our paths had not crossed for awhile) and enjoying some juicy twists ( there was actually another one that was new to me that I really enjoyed but I don't know what to call it) I also was lucky enough to have Katie as a mat buddy. I need to get a word from her to put up on the side descriptions.

Thinking of Katie reminds me of a tangent I have been meaning to share. Okay, so I realized the other day that all of my yoga friends are much better at breathing during class. I have been wondering which of the following is the reason for this.

1)I am so bad at breathing that no matter who I made friends with they would be noticeably better if our mats were next to each other. I have a friend with asthma that I need to convince to come to yoga to test this theory.

2)My brain is slowly dying from lack of oxygen during my frequent yoga classes and so has been sending me subtle signals like "Psst, go make friends with that person who breaths well so that you don't die next time you have to do chaturanga" If this is true and there are actually other people who don't breathe especially well, then I apologize for not being better friends with you. It's not you, it's my brain I promise...

3)Maybe the other yoga students were worried about the poor guy not breathing and drew straws over who would take shifts to practice next to him and encourage him to breath occasionally. If this is true, I appreciate the thought yogis. I promise to try hard to breath and not die in recognition of your efforts.

Whatever it is, I'll keep working on it and we'll see how it goes in future classes.

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