Thursday, January 13, 2011

Class #10 Dynamic Flow Yoga with Kimberly

Hello again! So another quirk of my schedule has been that I have not been to a more upbeat dynamic flow class is awhile. I love any of the classes where you can move and get a good sweat going. My attention can't wander if we are always doing something new, right? Since I was at the class before and did not leave the building I was actually on time for this one. I also was fortunate enough to run into the pleasant Katie again who let me know I had messed up her description earlier. If I got it right this time, she is interested in counseling work in the near future, but is currently working at a car dealership. Or maybe she's a card dealer on a ship. Or it might have been cardiologist. I'm not sure and am embarrassed to ask again, but I have a plan. I will simply wreck my car outside Amsa while playing poker with friends in the backseat and then fake a heart attack. Her response should clearly indicate her line of work. Its the only course of action that makes sense really. Anyways she was there and so were my good friend Kerry and several other familiar faces including another yogi I met who is also on a classes quest. She said she might start a blog too. I am rooting for you cool person with a similar quest whose name I forgot...

Good: We did some Dolphin Pose and it was good to be reminded of how those feel. I used to do them a lot when I was hurt a while back as an alteration to Down Dog. Down Dog may be a good home base restful pose, but Dolphin (at least the way I do it) is not. Kimberly had us use a block between our hands for better alignment and I tried to do so but didn't put it in the right place. No ego issues here, just poor spatial skills on my part. So the good was after she noticed my mistake and fixed it for me, I could really feel the Dolphin pose doing work. Try it. It's harder to hold than it looks.

Bad: So one of the highlights of this class was we got to try to do an inversion up against the wall. I used to practice these a fair amount when I was going to classes that featured them. I have had occasional good moments and also occasional bowling ball moments where I almost roll into the person in front of me. Without the practice though, when we tried for Feathered Peacock pose Pincha Mayurasana it just wasn't happening. That's okay, sometimes it's not the day for a certain pose to come out and play but I got more frustrated with myself than was productive.

Yummy: Whole lotta yum to choose from. Just being active and moving felt great. There was good breath in the room (thanks everyone!). I got to hear the story and explanation that I had missed from the beginning of the earlier class so I was still able to learn and absorb some. I got closer to being on track with my quest.

See everybody soon!

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