Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Class #14 Yin and Flow Yoga with Kimberly

Okay, I'll be honest, I have lost my notes for this class. If I get something wrong I apologize. Here is what I do remember. The class was packed since a lot of people had the day off for Martin Luther King Day. I got there on time and still had to sit way up the left side. I have had to set up at the front a fair amount recently and am afraid that people will think that I think I am a hot shot or something. I wish I could wear a sign that said "Not full of myself, just spatially challenged and I need to see the instructor well to keep from messing up the poses". Hmm. That is more of a billboard than a sign and might be distracting. Maybe I will just bring a periscope next time. Anyways, it wasn't too bad because I got to hang out with Kerry and Elizabeth and also Teresa who I don't think I have introduced before. She is from the West Coast and is a licensed massage therapist (she is teaching a cool self massage class during the upcoming free yoga weekend). Another cool person at Amsa who makes the lives of others more pleasant. It's like some sort of care bear conspiracy... Anyways, on to the asanas.

Good: I think I said it recently, but I am still loving extended triangle pose Utthita Trikonasana www.yogajournal.com/poses/494 If anyone has seen the Saturday Night Live sketch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFKt0j-UoXE where the producer keeps wanting more cowbell, it's kinda like that. I just feel like I am opening up something inside that daily stresses would otherwise keep compressed and confined.

Bad: I am not that upset about it in the grand scheme of things, but I really thought I was going to do a little better with Supported Headstand Salamba Sirsasana www.yogajournal.com/poses/481 . We worked on several poses leading up to it and I was feeling strong in my arms. When it came time though I tried to get full extension in stead of just getting my knees up which would have been a more reasonable goal. It is good that I was at my specific spot in my room because my somersault definitely would have bowled over anyone in front of me. On a positive note, Kerry and Kimberly talked over the pose after class and graciously let me listen in and observe. Kerry is making awesome progress and I am pretty sure I learned some more from watching and listening. Thanks to both of you!

Yummy: So breathing went a little better this class. I kinda cheated because Kerry was next to me and she is an excellent breather but I really tried to focus and did a little better job with breathing in the more difficult poses and not just holding my breathing and trying to push through. It really helps. For instance we did a pose that I don't know th name of, but it involves being flat on your back and then lifting your legs (and sometimes your arms) straight up. In the past when I have tried this pose and have had to hold it for more than a couple seconds, I look like I am having a mild seizure because I shake so much. Some core work and some better breathing and now it just looks like there is an earthquake underneath me. Hurray progress!

So that is what I remember. Oh and there is a new teacher who is going to teach a class soon. So fun stuff on the horizon (and hopefully better note taking by me in the future).

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