Thursday, January 20, 2011

Class #15 Deep Stretch Yoga with Sara

Ugh. Hopefully this is the worst I can mess up a class. So I was having kind of a weird day, just everything seemed a little off. My body has also been getting increasingly cranky and several little nagging aches and pains have been manifesting. So I got to class and felt a little better. Sara is always filled with energy and it's pretty hard to be grumpy around her. I also saw Katie again and she had brought me a little rosin bag present to help with mat traction. Thanks Katie! There were plenty of friendly people there as usual at Amsa. I actually was there pretty much on time so I didn't have to set up in the front. However, the spot I took was in a direct line with both Sara and another student between us (cue ominous foreshadowing music...)So as I have mentioned before, I am a little spatially challenged and really have to carefully look at poses (especially unfamiliar ones) to do them correctly and even then I often am a little off. A cranky body plus a distracted mind plus a poor sight line= 3.1415, no wait it was actually a recipe for disaster (not delicious pi(e)...)

Good: Umm. I was okay in one half of a Garland pose Malasana with a bind variation. I think I may literally have messed up everything else in some way. Well probably not, but it felt like it. I just could not get a rhythm going and kept knocking things over and being shaky and tense. Aside from working on the breath and trying to be mindful, what should I do if that happens? I wasn't too tired to keep going and they were pretty much all poses I had done before at some point so I didn't think to go to child's pose. Maybe I should have done so just to reset and get my mind back in order.

Bad: So my comedy of errors nearly turned into tragedy when late in the class we got into a pose kinda like a lunge but with the front leg tilted out to the side and the chest forward until either the forearms or chest reach the ground. I pushed too hard trying to get further down to a stage that I had done several times in the past despite the infinite signs my body had been giving me that tonight was just not the night and to take it easy. So I wound up tweaking my ankle a little bit and had to skip the last couple poses before savasana

Yummy: Sara was awesome at coming over and helping as soon as she noticed me rubbing my ankle and made sure I didn't make it worse. Also, I am writing this now a couple days afterwards and a couple good night's sleep and a massage from fellow Yogi Teresa seems to have fixed me up. Hopefully I will make this a productive learning experience.

See you soon everyone and don't worry, I promise to take it a little easier.

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