Thursday, January 6, 2011

Class #3 Yin Yoga with Kimberly

Wow, I really needed this class. With school starting the next morning, I had a pretty bad stress headache. Fortunately, yoga is always there to soothe the mind and provide focus. Once again, class was pretty packed and I definitely saw several other people with school ties. Maybe they were looking for some comfort too... Two spots were left up front this time so I tried to leave my ego tucked away with my shoes in my little cubby and headed out on the floor.

Good: The name has slipped my mind, but we got into a position where we sat with one leg stretched out in front of us and the other was curved with the foot underneath our rumps. I can do this sitting flat on the ground but I tip over like a ship that's hit an iceberg so I used the alteration that Kimberly offered the class of sitting one cheek on a block to even out. The fun part was when we reclined back onto a cushion with our shoulders so our body from the outstretched leg to the shoulders was approximately parallel to the floor. So, obviously, I am not that great at this position, but I was able to hold it on each side until it was time to move to a new position. In the past I have had a lot of trouble not fidgeting and trying to come up early. So a little progress there.

Bad: So we did some low lunges Anjaneyasana with our hands palm down on the floor on either side of the forward leg. I know that I should use blocks if I am not getting both hands down stably on the floor, but I have lingering lookarounditis and don't want to when a lot of other students are reaching the ground without blocks. The pose cannot help me as much if I don't do it properly and stably but I did one side with no blocks. At least I faced reality and used blocks on the second side. Oh Jesse, this isn't weighlifting or something, let go of the ego and just be in the moment letting the poses do their magic.

Yummy.: It was just a good place to be with a lot of positive energy during a stressful time and I definitely got rid of some tension. Kimberly was also kind enough after class to suggest some poses to help in my home practice for when I am having a rough time. Thanks Kimberly and thanks everyone who helped make the class great!

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