Thursday, January 20, 2011

Class #16 Dynamic Flow Yoga with Kimberly

Wow. I needed that. So refreshed from a good night's sleep and a massage from Teresa I headed back to yoga determined to not be so determined. I need to not be so obsessed with ranking and categorizing everything (a post for another time) but I am pretty sure this was the best class I have had this year. There was a cool message about Enso and we actually did the class in a circle. I could see the instructor well and could correct my mistakes (yes even in my "best" class I made a lot of mistakes). We were close enough to each other that the
Ujjayi breath ( )for the class was pretty well sustained and there was definitely a strong sense of connection. The dynamic part of the class was the pace we had and the difficulty of some of the poses. On a side note, if you are reading this and thinking about coming to a dynamic flow class, do it! Sure, it is not a class for people who are just starting yoga, but it is not that hard. The instructor gives multiple variations for a lot of the poses so if you are looking for something advanced you have that option, and if you are looking for something more basic that is available too. Obviously, yoga is many different things to different people, but I just love the ones where we move and get a little sweat and endorphins going. So let's break it down.

Good: So lots of things went well (loved Uttanasana and extended triangle of course and even got a cool correction in triangle) but I think the most progress came during my attempts at Handstand Adho Mukha Vrksasana It's not that I got into a handstand, but that I made productive use of the time and variations we were given to prepare. We did a kind of condensed down dog with our toes against the wall and then worked our legs up to make a 90% angle and then hopefully hold them there. Instead of getting frustrated with not being at a more advanced level right now I worked on holding my legs at that angle and made some good progress mentally and physically.

Bad: So I am getting better at extended hand to big toe pose Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana which I am pretty excited about, but I am still having trouble with the variation where we stretch our leg out to the side instead of straight ahead. That's okay. All is becoming I hear... However, I did get a little grumpy with myself when we did one leg and I fell out of the pose. I was able to laugh at myself a little the other time thankfully. Also, cool person who was to my right during the class, sorry I almost bumped into you when I lost concentration in that pose and kudos on keeping your balance with somebody careening past you.

Yummy: In no particular order: Music, having an Enso in the middle of the class (I couldn't look at it without smiling), the shared breathing, the idea of lifting each other up in one of the poses, how we all connected in a tiny circle with our hands linking near the end, and the kitten that curled up in my lap while I wrote this.

Okay, now can I just keep this positive energy and mindset going? Check in next time to see...

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