Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Class #7 Deep Stretch with Sara

So the beautiful snow has slowed down the yoga quest a little bit. On the plus side, Amanda and I have been warming ourselves next to the fireplace with the kittens. Can't really complain. I was starting to get a little stir crazy though. With the roads a little safer today it was time to get this quest back on track and check back in with the Amsa community. Hopefully the weather will stay safe enough for me to catch up to the pace in the next couple days. So this was a fun class as people who normally come to different times mingled together during the first time available after the snow began. It's always neat to see new faces and those who I only run into on the rare occasions I make a class that usually conflicts with my schedule. Here's how it went down:

Good: Man I love Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/478. I have been practicing it more lately. It helps de-stress me and just feels fun to do and say. I have been working lately on the variation where you have each hand grasp the other elbow behind the knees while folded forward and I am making some good progress there. I got a little buzz today in class after that pose. I felt like whatever asana was next I was ready to greet it.

Bad: We did one asana that I think was a variation on Camel Pose Ustrasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/688 that we went into from Low Lunge Anjaneyasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/2494. Basically it was like regular Camel Pose but with one leg extended forward with the knee above the foot. It can be pretty scary to bend backwards because you can't really see exactly where you are headed. Once again, my mind got in the way of my body. I know I can do a fairly decent back bend because I actually enjoy Seal Pose (the more extended variation of Cobra Bhujangasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/471). I think I will work on this pose at home with Amanda spotting me until it feels a little more comfortable mentally. Meanwhile I will keep reminding myself that it is not that big a deal if I take a little tumble on a padded mat while surrounded by friendly caring people.

Yummy: I talked about it a little earlier, but yoga with snow outside after a couple days of isolation has heightened the anticipation is just good times. I also have really been wanting to make it to a little more intensive class even before the snow interval. While this was not Ashtanga, there were definitely some stretches where I felt the burn. I love that yoga can both calm me down and pump me up.

Be back soon and hopefully with two classes to catch up to the pace. Till then!

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