I think I should be happy with this class. I did not do especially well with the poses and was pretty tired, but I did not get frustrated and laughed at my mistakes instead of beating myself up over it. I need to be careful to avoid complacency and make sure to continue to give full effort, but I think it is good sometimes to not be incredibly intense and serious. Maybe not quite as loopy as I was after a lot of classes in a short time, but there is definitely room in yoga for a playful spirit.
Good: So faithful readers know that Half Moon Ardha Chandrasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/784 is one of my favorite poses. It also is a pose that I have had a little difficulty with recently. Thankfully, it seems to be coming back now that I am actively practicing it. We had a chance to do Reverse Half Moon (twisting the other way and using the other hand) and I really enjoyed it. Twisting feels so good. I feel like I have some ick in me and if I can just wring it out, then I can move with more grace and ease.
Bad: So being happy and maybe even a little goofy is good. Not being mindful is unproductive though. Near the end of class (and this was a third class in a brief time period) I was mentally drifting. I was aware enough of where I was at to not try one of the more advanced poses when we were given options for inversions at the end of class, but after a couple minutes of legs up the wall, I tried Supported Shoulderstand Salamba Sarvangasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/480. I was okay while in the pose, but I made the mistake of not giving the transition into and out of the pose as much attention and mindfulness as the pose itself. I flung myself into it and used momentum instead of my core and then just kind of rolled out of it. Since I was still up near the wall, I thwacked it pretty loudly and was very embarrassed. Sigh...
Yummy: So we (Kimberly, Katie and I) managed to use peer pressure to convince Elizabeth to stay for this class even though she had just finished one. She enjoyed it despite me almost rolling into her at one point. If I keep bouncing all over the place I am afraid the "Tumbleweed" nickname one of the teachers has been using will stick. Kimberly did her best to help me with adjustments but at some point it is like duct tape on the titanic. There is only so much that can be done. Still, I really appreciate the help. A last bit of yum: my savasana http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/482 was great. Apparently all you need is to do three classes and then flop into a wall to remind yourself to be more mindful. At least I have a formula now.
Almost time for yoga weekend!
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