Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Class #21 Gentle Vinyasa Yoga with Pam

I finally made it to see Pam! Pam is a really special person with seemingly infinite patience and kindness. I have really enjoyed her classes in the past, but my schedule has made it tough to see her this year. Hopefully Wednesday mornings will work for me in the future. A lot of her classes have a little more deliberate slowly flowing pace and can be a really good way to relax catch up with yourself. Pam also just radiates compassion. I have S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and have been considering getting some lights that are supposed to help during the dimness of winter. An alternative solution (though inconvenient to her) would be to just have Pam smile at me every day.

Good: I lamented in a recent post the difficulty I have been having with moving with the breath or even just breathing at all in some of the classes. I didn't magically fix everything, but I did manage some noticeable improvement in this class. Everything was just so tranquil that it was hard not to have some kind of relaxed rhythm going.

Bad: So One-Legged King Pigeon Eka Pada Rajakapotasana happened for me in a recent class and I tried to recreate it during this one. The pigeon was much more elusive this time and I managed to fall over when trying for an extension that just wasn't there. I was a little wiser when trying the other side and found a better balance between still getting a good stretch and not flapping into the people beside me. Be warned though King Pigeon, I'm coming back for you and I am bring warriors One, Two, and maybe even Three with me!

Yummy: I really enjoyed the story Pam told at the beginning of the class about a turtle, a rabbit, God, a laser printer, a butterfly, a manatee, a giraffe and Arnold Swarzennegger. I may have some of that mixed up with a joke a friend texted me after class, but it was definitely a good story.

One class down, two to go today. Here we go!

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