Saturday, January 29, 2011

Class #25 All Levels Yoga with Shannon

Shannon is a new face at Amsa and has recently been certified as a teacher. This was her first class teaching at Amsa and the community has really welcomed her. It was a really fun vibe with a good crowd as people both enjoyed getting a fresh perspective and rooted for her to do well. Since it was all levels it was a pretty straight forward class with a lot of poses that come up often. Of course, every pose can always be refined and improved even if you are very advanced (and I am very not advanced).

Good: So if you go to a yoga class everyday apparently your Chaturanga Dandasana will get better. Well it gets better if the instructors watch you carefully and help when your form gets off. Luckily at Amsa they do both so muscle memory is starting to hold. A pose I used to dread is now one I look forward to. Hurray!

Bad: My basic Chair Utkatasana is also improving but I am having a lot of trouble with the variation that starts when you twist in prayer with an elbow to a knee. I can do that part (though a little shaky sometimes)but when I try to extend one hand to the ground and another up, it is both shaky and a little painful. I have been backing off lately and just doing the prayer variation, but I am not sure of that makes progress to the full extension. I will ask a teacher next time I remember before class.

Yummy: Lots of smiles and hugs after class. Amsa is a special welcoming place and it was fun to see a reminder of just how nice and friendly an oasis we have here. Good luck Shannon and good job everyone giving her an Amsa welcome.

On to Saturday and a yoga-thon to catch up to the pace. Let's do it!

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