So I made it to four classes today. Early morning got gobbled up by a luxurious shower and then a delicious organic breakfast at Rosewood Market with my lovely wife Amanda. It would have been cool to bank a few more classes for rainy days (though I actually really enjoy yoga on rainy days)but catching up to the pace is pretty cool too. Also, Amanda did all four classes with me which made it much cooler (and exponentially cuter). I am pretty worn out now after the classes and the errands we ran afterwards but I wanted to get something down before I forget again. So a little different format today:
Top Ten Moments from Free Yoga Weekend:
1) All the classes we were in were packed and all the poses done in unison by dozens of students were cool. The best was when we were in tree pose and I had a great view of everyone's hands slowly moving up to the sky and swaying in the breeze. Just beautiful.
2) Similar effect happened before Pam's relaxation class when two people went ahead and made little armchairs out of props. Like dominoes, within a few minutes the chairs had sprung up and spread out from that epicenter and everyone was comfy in their own little lazy-boys waiting for the first announcements of class.
3) Kimberly was helping us perfect our down dogs when she told us "If you want to make your dogs more yummy, relish them." If that was a coincidence I'll eat a bolster with ketchup and mustard...
4)One class started with the heat on, but the combined effort and sweating of the class was sufficient to get the heat to turn off and theair conditioning to come on in Jaunary.
5)Another class was very prop heavy and we were once again packed. Before class started several of the more experienced students volunteered without prompting to share some of theirs with some of the newer people and go without before we knew that there were actually enough for everyone. I don't know if that happens at some studios. Amsa is a special place people.
6)Of course one person was overheard doing last minute bartering, "I'll trade you a strap, one block and an eye pillow for a second blanket..."
7)Helen taught her first class and it was a great Yoga Nidra session. For anyone who has ever said, "I wish the whole class could be savasana." this was the class for you. She claimed it would be as restful as two full hours of sleep, but it only felt like one hour and forty seven minutes to me. Still pretty good, though...
8)The quick turn around between classes and the huge turnout made for a stressful day of quickly handing out and resorting supplies for John. At one point, a new student started a stack of blankets and others started piled them on top instead of giving them to John to be properly stored. It took all my will power not to jump on the comfy stack like a big pile of leaves. Next time you will be mine giant stack of blankets!
9)So one of the instructors doing adjustments we had three!)must think I am really strong. We had gotten into a wide legged pose where we try to stretch down and plant our hands in front of us while keeping our legs from bending. I made it down had my hands spread out but with most of my weight still in my legs. Theoretically, the weight is evenly distributed between legs and hands so it was understandable that an instructor would push down on my shoulders to get me to redistribute. However, the pressure kept coming and I suddenly realized that this balance pose had become a strength pose and that I better pull it together or I would be the first person I had ever seen to tumble while being adjusted. Luckily, I had just enough in me (which was the point of what they were doing) to hold it and not become a bowling ball in a room of crowded pins.
10)Lastly, one of the classes was both very full and featured a lot of extended arm stretches. This made it very difficult for the awesome instructors going around giving cool adjustments. Complicating matters were the placements of some of the mats at perpendicular angles. At one point Anne was nearly trapped by all the arm waving until I and another student did a little draw bridge action to let her duck underneath. I think we should have held out for a toll.
I can't wait till the next one. See you soon everyone!
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